
AELRC consults occasionally with language educators on the development of assessment and evaluation practices in response to clearly defined needs. Read below for more details on what AELRC can offer your program/institution. Contact us to find out more about consultation possibilities.
Program evaluation
AELRC staff are leaders in language program evaluation research and practice. AELRC program evaluators have extensive experience and expertise conducting program evaluation in different educational institutions and for a range of educational and evaluative purposes.
Language Assessment
AELRC staff are nationally recognized experts in language assessment. AELRC is able to advise on language assessment design and implementation for a variety of educational purposes.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Assessment
Student learning outcomes assessment—the improvement of language education on the basis of student learning outcomes—is an increasingly common practice in college language programs. AELRC staff have extensive expertise in conducting SLO assessment in university and college language programs.
Institutional Program Review
Institutional review is a common evaluative framework in US colleges intended to improve educational delivery and administrative processes. AELRC staff provide auxiliary support to area experts and review teams in conducting productively useful program reviews in language education programs.
Invited Talks and Workshops
AELRC staff offer training in many different areas of language testing, assessment, and program evaluation. AELRC can deliver workshops, talks, and other training events at your institution/program, on a variety of evaluation or assessment topics, and for a variety of audiences.