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Dr. Meg Montee
Director, AELRC
Meg Montee serves as the Director of the AELRC and is also an Associate Research Professor in the Department of Linguistics. Dr. Montee specializes in performance-based language assessment, and is committed to working with world educators to create and implement useful and practical assessment tools. Her research interests include oral proficiency assessment, rater training and scoring, and language assessment literacy. Dr. Montee received a Ph.D. in applied linguistics from Georgia State University and a Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language from Georgetown University.
Current Staff

Jamie Morgan
Associate Director, AELRC
Jamie Morgan is a Senior Project Manager in CAL’s Language Assessment and Instructional Research Division. She leads a variety of projects involving research, assessment, and professional development in the areas of world language, heritage language, and English language education.

Dr. Camelot Marshall
Associate Director, AELRC
Principle Assessment Manager, ACTFL

Meg Malone
Senior Advisor, AELRC
Director of Assessment, Research, and Development, ACTFL
Dr. Malone served as the previous director of the AELRC. She is also a Research Professor at Georgetown and the Director of the Center for Assessment, Research, and Development at ACTFL. Dr. Malone has nearly three decades of experience in language test development, materials development, delivery of professional development and teacher training through both online and face-to-face methods, data collection and survey research, and program evaluation.

Anne Donovan
Senior Consultant, AELRC
Anne has worked with the AELRC since its inception in 2014, and with the Language Resource Centers since 2008. An alumna of the Georgetown Department of Linguistics, her work at CAL and the AELRC has primarily focused on language assessment, less commonly taught languages, study abroad, and professional development for language teachers.

Francesca Di Silvio
Consultant, AELRC
Director of World Languages, Center for Applied Linguistics
Francesca has worked with the AELRC since 2019 and with Language Resource Centers from 2009-2014. She holds an M.A. in Linguistics from Georgetown University and also studied with the Faculty of Language and Linguistics as an undergrad. As Director of World Languages at the Center for Applied Linguistics, Francesca leads projects to develop language proficiency assessments for English and world language learners, manages research on world language instruction, and delivers professional development to language educators.
Student Researchers
Andrew Acs
Graduate Student Research Assistant
Elli Ahn
Student Associate
Gatanna Andrade
Graduate Student Research Assistant
Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
Master of TESOL
Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in Spanish
Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
Doctoral Student, Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
Jillian Seitz
Graduate Student Research Assistant
Founding Advisory Board, 2014-2018
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chaminade University
Director, Language Acquisition Workshop
Associate Dean, University of Hawai’i at Manoa College of Arts, Languages & Letters
Professor, Japanese, Department of East Asian Languages and Literature
Associate Professor Emerita, University of Iowa Department of Spanish and Portuguese