Languages: Arabic, Bangala, Chinese, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
Check out our C-Test Repository!
Read our research brief on C-tests here.

Since 2014, the AELRC has developed and piloted eight short-cut proficiency assessments, also referred to as C-tests. These instruments are useful for estimating global proficiency quickly and accurately with diverse populations (such as university, community college, high school, and heritage learners). The AELRC has finalized the validation of a Mandarin C-test, and is working to develop and validate a C-test in Turkish, improve the existing C-test in Russian, and create an English C-test.
C-tests are accessible, reliable, low-cost measures available to test students’ proficiency. C-tests in Chinese are available for research purposes and, once validated, will be offered for free. Please contact aelrcevents [æt] georgetown.edu for more information.